Leonard Charles / Abracelebrex
Become Eternal 2014
In 2013 Leonard Charles was the victim of an unprovoked assault, a coward punch, which happened at a bar following a performance of his jazz quartet. This assault left him with a head injury that is still with him today.
To help with brain recovery Charles spent the “difficult” days, the ones where head pain was so unbearable it was hard for him to interact as a normal human, in his recording studio treating music as a creative meditative healing tool. Charles hoped that being able to meditate on music would help heal the damaged pathways in his brain. The free-form nature of jazz and improvised electronica seemed the perfect vehicle for this.
These songs are a collection of some of the improvisations Charles recorded. They are spontaneous, improvisational and creative. The hope is that these songs will provide the listener with a creative tool of their own to use at will when ever they are in need of some inspiration and musical healing.