28. Sep - 21. Oct 2023
With works by Niklas Jeroch
Opening: Sept 28, 6 — 10pm
Exhibition open Sept 29 — Oct 21
“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back!
You take the blue pill…the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill…you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember, all I´m offering is the truth.”
Given the chance would you choose the hard cold reality of the truth or the blissful naivety of ignorance?
Welcome to HYPER SHIFT, an exhibition showcasing new works by Niklas Jeroch whereby you are invited to step amongst the cold sheen of metallic surfaces, inorganic bodies and futuristic forms.
When the blockbuster movie The Matrix came out in 1999, the world as we know it now was still beyond our realm of imagination. Through science fiction we attempt to prepare ourselves for the future whether it be a utopian fantasy or dystopian nightmare. Unlike in The Matrix, however, there has not been a singular pivotal event to induce our new way of living. Instead, we find ourselves moving slowly and for the most part subconsciously online. The hyper shift towards our digital alter-egos feels like an intangible progression to many but has objectively not been a slow development.
Jeroch’s new works act as a reflection of this new world. Having been produced primarily through machines and computers, the works show little evidence of human intervention. This new era in Jeroch’s practice is deliberately separate from his previous, more traditional endeavors in art making. Jeroch considers this shift in his practice as parallel to the shift in our reality. A transformation which is seemingly overlooked or lost in the numbing drone of Instagram feeds, instant messaging and the literal song and dance of TikTok’s endless content stream.
Text by Isabelle Thul