The artist often reuses lost and recovered data files and IT hardware, exploring erroneous process of encoding and decoding. In the piece Scanned_Image05, the visual message (painting) has in its background an electronic device: a scanner, scanning the light of a desk lamp or itself – with the help of a mirror. The images emerged in a process of trial scanning with open scanner and moving the light or mirror during the process of scanning. The accidentally incurred glitch was the base of the finish result – oil paintings. The process of painting computer generated pictures reverse the image back to a real object and it requires a physical effort. The human factor is back and responsible for variability and subjectivity. The processing of “re-using” is a strategy of cultural garbology, based on the content of the digital rubbish. As a result of using the redundant data, both digital images and regular paintings are remediated and shifted into a new aesthetic dimension. “The randomness of the picture as a key quality results from a kind of “reverse engineering” tactics that Marcelina Wellmer applies in her works. Using everyday devices, the artist reaches for the ready-made aesthetical formula but also engages them in a form of a transmedial dialogue.“ (E. Wojtowich/ PhD, Fine Arts Academy Poznan / Poland)
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