Project Category: Design

Ruhrpott für Europa

Branding for “Ruhrpott für Europa”. In the heart of the Ruhr region, “Ruhrpott für Europa” not only wants to hear the voices of young people, but also to put them center stage. What moves young people in the Ruhr region? What prevents them from using their vote in elections? What perspectives are missing in the… Read more »

Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund

The D//F (Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund) is a multi-funder initiative by Ford Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Omidyar Network, Schmidt Futures and Open Collective sustaining a platform for researchers and practitioners to better understand how open digital Infrastructure is built and deployed.

The Risktakers Fellowship

Design and code for The Risktakers Fellowship – Daring to shape new digital futures. The Risktakers Fellowship aims to explore possibilities and what-ifs that enable us to re-imagine the status quo through a wide range of voices and perspectives, in the digital world and beyond. A programme by Allianz Foundation and SUPERRR LAB. 💥

Feminist Tech Policy

Feminist Tech is a set of work-in-progress guidelines for feminist tech policy-making and technology creation. The guidelines consist of 12 principles for feminist technology, which range from the intrapersonal to the global, and which are accompanied by a card deck and six essays envisioning more just technological futures.

Corresponden­ces from the Edges

Design and layout of Ding Magazine #4. The magazine is part of The New New Fellowship – a programme that supports projects exploring equitable and inclusive digital futures across Europe. Throughout the magazine we hear from the fellows through essays, poems, articles and quotes. Download the PDF here.

The Possibilists

Visual identity and web development for The Possibilists – a study of the lives and work of young changemakers. Initiated by ChangemakerXchange, The Possibilists is an alliance of 16 of the world’s largest youth social innovation networks. Visit Website

Sammlung Simonow

Identity for the Sammlung Simonow. Identity, website, gifts, social media

About the future in times of crises

In this edition of Ding magazine, activists, artists and writers from across the globe share their thoughts about the future in times of crises. In seven essays they reflect on 2020: on the hardship they and others have faced and what keeps them hopeful. They talk about their resilient communities and share strategies for cohesion…. Read more »