We created the visual design and code for this year’s Internet Health Report 2022. ♡ With the slogan AI in real life, Mozilla’s Internet Health Report 2022 sets the focus on artificial intelligence within 5 episodes. In collaboration with the award winning podcast IRL and Firefox, the report centers the voices of AI builders and… Read more »
Project Category: Code
Feminist Tech Policy
Feminist Tech is a set of work-in-progress guidelines for feminist tech policy-making and technology creation. The guidelines consist of 12 principles for feminist technology, which range from the intrapersonal to the global, and which are accompanied by a card deck and six essays envisioning more just technological futures. feministtech.org
The Possibilists
Visual identity and web development for The Possibilists – a study of the lives and work of young changemakers. Initiated by ChangemakerXchange, The Possibilists is an alliance of 16 of the world’s largest youth social innovation networks. Visit Website
Sammlung Simonow
Identity for the Sammlung Simonow. Identity, website, gifts, social media sammlungsimonow.com
Internet Health Report 2020
We developed the visual design and code for the The Internet Health Report 2020. ♡ The Internet Health Report is Mozilla’s open source initiative to document and explain what’s happening to the health of the internet. It is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today… Read more »
Heal the web
A typeface to heal the web. The font started with a simple but big message: Heal the web with an experimental open source Typeface originally developed by Rainbow Unicorn for Mozilla’s Internet Health Report 2020. Design: Rainbow Unicorn & Jakub Kanior Production: Jakub Kanior healtheweb.site
The New New
Naming, visual identity and development for The New New, a Europe-wide fellowship program starting 2021 and exploring what inclusive and just digital futures look like. The New New is a joint program by the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s “Ethics of Algorithms” project and Superrr Lab. thenewnew.space
Design Research Lab
We developed a visual identity and code for Design Research Lab, a laboratory for experimental design and research, UDK Berlin. Design Research Lab is an interdisciplinary team of designers, researchers, tech-enthusiasts and critical thinkers from Berlin University of the Arts, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, as well… Read more »
School of Disobedience
Branding, design & code for the School of Disobedience funded by the Nemetschek Foundation. The School of Disobedience is a graduate school held at Volksbühne, Berlin. It embodies the spirit of this city: global in outlook, international in background, trans-disciplinary in work, innovative, radical, experimental, engaged.
We developed a new identity for medialepfade based on RGB shift effect. This visual effect defines the branding and is used in logo and images in all media. Visit website
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